Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Room Inspections on the Girls' Corridor

So far we have seen performances of the Cup Song in Room 32, a tap routine welcoming us to room inspection in Room 27, a personality test from Room 33 which quite rightly ascertained that Mrs Martin "likes to go with the flow" (although she is not so excited about the 'flow' of ocean she's about to be plunged into this afternoon... eek!) and a poem on the door of Room 29.  We won't mention the rather feeble rendition of Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 from a particular Year 6 who should know better having been subjected to country music for 11 years... Better luck tomorrow!

Mrs Martin has demonstrated how to correctly insert a pillow into a pillow case and is looking forward to some pupil demonstrations tomorrow with musical accompaniment...

News regarding the boys will follow... we've had jokes, Monty Python, stunt demos...