Welcome to the Oak Class Borough Green Primary EU Debate.
This week we have been politicians, researching our focus arguments - for or against staying in the EU.
From managing and allocating our campaign budgets to creating our own merchandise and radio adverts, we have not only developed our knowledge about the EU referendum but also learnt how to work as a team, work independently and think like a politician.
With special guests, Mrs Sandberg and the new Borough Green Primary governor, elected Oak class members diligently and determinedly presented their group's case and dealt with an array of difficult and thought-provoking questions.
Watch our debate first-hand and be ready to be amazed; we certainly have some politicians in the making!
And one more thing... remember to vote on the 23 June 2016. Your vote counts!
Picture and videos to follow shortly.
You can view the PowerPoint presentation (made by all the students) here.